26 February 2025
Read MoreFAQs
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. What is an Insolvency Practitioner?
A. Insolvency work carried out under the Insolvency Act 1986 is regulated – for example, acting as a liquidator or an administrator for a company, acting as a trustee in bankruptcy or acting as a supervisor of a voluntary arrangement. Only an insolvency practitioner can undertake these roles. |
Q. What are the JIEB exams called?
A. Corporate Insolvency Personal Insolvency |
Q. What are the entry requirements?
A. Candidates need to apply through one of the Recognised Professional Bodies (RPBs) listed below. Candidates do not need to be a member of the RPBs to do so.
Q. How can I apply to sit the examinations?
A. You can apply to sit the examinations by filing in the application form please see link below. The application form will need to be filled in by hand. Please send the completed application form to your RPB in the first instance, by the application deadline. https://jieb.co.uk/the-exams/applying/ |
Q. How do I apply if I am not a member of the ICAEW?
A. You will have to fill in a non-member registration form, this can be found on the ICAEW\JIEB website. Please note that if you have the Insolvency Certificate or the CFAB qualification and are not a member of ICAEW, you still have to fill in this form. Form to be added. |
Q. Where can I study for the JIEB exams?
A. There are many tuition organisations that provide tuition services, below is a list of them (none are approved by JIEB).
Q. Where can I obtain Learning Materials?
A. The JIEB do not produce any learning materials. These are normally supplied as part of the a tuition package. The JIEB publishes a syllabus that sets out the areas that are covered in the exams |
Q. What are the permitted materials that are allowed in the Examination room?
A. You can only take in the Examination room a clean copy of Butterworths Insolvency, this means with no handwriting inside, only bound copies will be permitted, photocopies or parts of sections of the book will not be allowed. |
Q. What is the examination fee?
A. £1,000 for one exam, £2,000 for two exams. |
Q. Is there any credit for prior learning?
A. There will be no credit for prior learning given for any of the JIEB examinations. |
Q. Exam Centre/Paper Changes
A. The same rules as the ACA apply here, please email logistics@icaew.com well before Tuesday 10 September for 2024. |
Q. Are there provisions for alternative arrangements?
A. Please email Accessarrangements@icaew.com |
Q. Is there a withdrawal deadline?
A. Any requests to withdraw need to be emailed to logistics@icaew.com. You can withdraw from an exam at any time but to be considered for a refund you must notify us before the closing date of Tuesday 10 September for the 2024 exams. |
Q. What is the Exam Booking deadline?
A. The closing date for Examination applications is Tuesday 10 September for 2024 exams. |
Q. I have missed the Exam booking deadline, can I make a late examination application?
A. There is no provision for late examination applications. |
Q. What are the terms and conditions?
A. These can be found in notes to candidates |
Q. How do I apply for special considerations?
A. Please email specialconsiderations@icaew.com |
Q. I have failed the exam, can I request a remark?
A. The Joint Insolvency Examination Board does not re-mark candidates’ scripts once the results have been issued. If a candidate has good reason to query his/her result it is possible to request an administrative check to be carried out to make sure that the marks have been correctly processed. Candidates are reminded that no such errors have previously been found. Candidates can either email in to write in to request the administrative check to: JIEB Administration Team ICAEW Metropolitan House 321 Avebury Boulevard Milton Keynes MK9 2FZ |
Q. Is there a graduation ceremony and when is it?
A. Friday 30 May 2025 for the 2024 cohort. |
Q. Can I get written confirmation of JIEB passes?
A. Please send in request to studentsupport@icaew.com |
Q. I have lost my certificate, can I re-order a new one?
A. Pre 2018 you will be able to ask for a Results Letter. Post 2018 certificates can be ordered from studentsupport@icaew.com |
Q. When is the Exam results release date for the 2024 cohort?
A. Friday 7 March 2025. |
Q. What is the policy for GDPR compliance re sharing information with invigilators etc?
A. The GDPR is all contained within the BTL network. BTL run the JIEB examinations at the examination venues. |
Q. Can we take our own keyboard and mouse into the Exam venue?
A. No these are provided by the venues |
Q. What Formulas will be available on spreadsheet for numbers questions?
A. Basic formulas will be on the answer spreadsheet. Please note the answer spreadsheet/word processing is bespoke and not excel. |
Q. Can we add or delete rows on the spreadsheet?
A. Yes |
Q. What will happen if the system crashes or suffers delays?
A. If you encounter any issues during the exam you should tell the invigilator as they may be able to resolve the issue at the time. The invigilator cannot advise you on how to use the software. |
Q. Will the time show with an on screen clock?
A. Yes there is a countdown clock, the clock can be altered to count up as well. Students can also hide the clock. |
Q. Will we be able to spell check? How important is grammar and spelling?
A. Unfortunately spellcheck will not be available in the exam software for the Examinations in November 2024. Grammar and spelling is important, in as much as to make it clear to the examiner what you want to say. |
Q. Why can we not have a printed exam paper in the venue?
A. There is no provision at the exam centres to store exam papers securely. |
Q. What is the monitor size in the exam?
A. Monitor sizes may vary slightly in each exam centre but the the minimum size specification is a 19 inch screen. |